Posts tagged ‘Advertising’

October 25, 2011

Get Inspired to start your small biz along with Tips

Searching ways to get more inspired to pursue your dream about starting your own biz? I know I got inspired to strive to achieve even more by watching this video (below) plus I attached an infographic with cool apps to help manage your small biz venture (found at

October 22, 2011

10 Social Media Marketing Sins

Would you trust a baby with your Facebook Page?

Whenever I see reposts from (Twitter Guru) Susie Blackmon‘s tweets on Heidi Cohen (actionable marketing expert), I know it is a good read because it will include practical social media marketing knowledge that could be applicable to various markets such as the B2B to B2C.

The most important bullet on social media marketing sins from Heidi Cohen’s blog includes Number 7:

Hiring a kid who knows Facebook, not employing an experienced marketer who understands your products, brands and company. “

Situation: I have been speaking to a couple of companies interested in having social media marketing expertise. The story sometimes includes hiring an intern in college who didn’t know the brand or understand the mission of the company who started a Facebook or Twitter page for the company- just to get it done. Moreover, the intern left or graduated from college and somehow the owner of the company is left to do FB or Twitter page with limited knowledge on the platform itself. In extreme cases, I’ve read interns who didn’t handle customer services correctly through these platforms and it resulted in damaging the reputation of the brand.

Solution: Owners of companies should hire an expert because marketing through the social media platforms are one of the most direct forms of communication you have with customers. Hire a social media consultant and inform them about the brand. This person will understand how to use the right tools to increase visibility and communications with customers to enable understanding of the products, services, and value for them!

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to contact me for information about social media. Click here.

August 13, 2011

Listen to the Godfather: Watch Your Competitors


Whether you’re in the Pet or Horse industry, you can’t help to notice that when you walk into a feed store or pet store/speciality shop, there are hundreds of products out there ranging from shampoos, dental items, creams for nicer coats, tack, etc that promise that THEIR product is better than others. Don’t even get me started on those products that are organic and holistic. Not to mention those products that have box-ads, a DVD playing their pitch in-front of the cash register, or even those advanced in marketing that say “Scan this QR code for more info on how this product can make “Fluffy” do…”. How can you separate yourself from your competitors? In this highly competitive industry, I suggest you read this article below that covers all the basics.

I found this article from a tweet from Social Media Guru, Susie Blackmon, who originally got it from Heidi Cohen’s website. (The article explains why I used Andy Garcia’s picture) Click below for the full article:

16 Competitive Marketing Elements to Track

August 8, 2011

10 Ways to Stretch Your Marketing Budget

I found this article on Entrepreneur Magazine, it is a must read, please read it very slowly, I seriously think it can save your company $100s if not more, or it can make you look like a superstar to your boss. Great tips for pet/equine/agriculture industry, niches!!!

“Useful strategies to help you maximize your campaigns and save money” Click Here to Read Full Article

July 15, 2011

Be Hip and Be Noticed, Get a QR Code

I’m beginning to see it everywhere in the Pet market, Horse industry, and the general public in magazine advertisements, flyers, and growing substantially in business cards overseas. These “Quick-Response” (QR) Codes are read by smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, Androids)and  link you to websites, phone numbers, and much more.

Google your phone model and “QR Code” and it will tell you which apps offer you QR Code Readers on your smartphone. To get your own QR code, I tried this site and code my own code, please see below. Let me know if you want me to explain more about this subject, or if you have questions email me:

Valentina's QR Code for Blog

Valentina's QR Code for Blog